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The icons on the Workspace Ribbon link to all the main tables used to view and manage clients, projects, experts and all related documentation.
For ease of navigation, the Ribbon is divided into six tabs: Prospects, Clients, Projects, Corporate Team, Freelancers, Freelancers.
The Prospects tab
Prospect |
The Prospect window displays a list of prospective clients and all the information about the selected prospective client. Prospect data is broken into the following tabs: Main, Contacts, Marketing, Prices, Quotes, Prospect Jobs, Invoices, Credit Notes, Payments, Refunds, Files, Info. Note that you can not manage Projects, convert quotes into projects, create jobs, invoices, payments, etc., for Prospects. The purpose of these tables in the Prospects tab is to keep track of past transactions with a temporarily or permanently inactive client. |
Prices |
The Prospects: Prices window provides access to a general price list: each price representing a rate in a chosen currency for a certain service (language pairs, translation, proofreading, etc.). This list also appears in the Clients: Prices window. |
Quotes |
The Prospects: Quotes window provides access to all quotes created for prospective clients. This window can be used to add/edit/delete draft jobs for existing prospect quotes. |
Prospect Jobs |
The Prospect Jobs window displays the list of all client jobs undertaken for former or inactive clients. |
Invoices |
The Prospects: Invoices window provides access to all invoices issued to all temporarily or permanently inactive Clients. |
Credit Notes |
The Prospects: Credit Notes window lists all credit notes given to all temporarily or permanently inactive Clients. |
Payments |
The Prospects: Payments window lists all payments received from all temporarily or permanently inactive Clients. |
Refunds |
The Prospects: Refunds window lists all refunds given to all temporarily or permanently inactive Clients. |
The Clients tab
Client |
The Client window displays a list of clients and all the information about the selected client. Client data is broken into the following tabs: Main, Contacts, Marketing, Prices, Quotes, Projects, Client Jobs, Invoices, Credit Notes, Payments, Refunds, Account, Files, Info, Calendar. |
Prices |
The Clients: Prices window provides access to a general price list: each price representing a rate in the chosen currency for a certain service (language pairs, translation, proofreading, etc.). This list also appears in the Prospects: Prices window. |
Quotes |
The Clients: Quotes window provides access to all client quotes ever issued. This window can be used to create a new project based on a quote and add/edit/delete draft jobs for existing quotes. |
Client Jobs |
The Client Jobs window displays the list of all client jobs stored in database. With the help of this window you can have a quick overview of all client job statuses, calculate client job totals, as well as edit existing client jobs. |
Invoices |
The Clients: Invoices window provides access to all currently issued invoices. Use this window to calculate invoice totals, view and edit invoices, print any of these invoices, and perform Mass Invoicing. |
Credit Notes |
The Clients: Credit Notes window lists the credit notes given to all Clients. Use this window to calculate due totals, link credit notes with invoices and refunds and edit credit notes. |
Payments |
The Clients: Payments window lists the payments received from all Clients. Use this window to calculate payment totals, link payments with invoices, edit payments and perform Mass Payments. |
Refunds |
The Clients: Refunds window lists the refunds given to all Clients. Use this window to calculate refund totals, link refunds with credit notes and edit refunds. |
Client Accounts |
The Client Accounts window displays a simplified balance sheet broken into entries for each client and based on payments from clients and invoices to clients. Accounting staff can use this window to identify which of the clients' accounts require attention. Can be viewed in the Base Currency or Client Currencies. |
The Projects tab
Project |
The Project window displays a list of projects and all information about the selected project. Project data is broken into the following tabs: Main, Tree, Client Jobs, Corporate Jobs, Freelance Jobs, Freelance Team, JAs, POs, Account, Files, Info, Calendar. |
Client Jobs |
The Projects: Client Jobs window displays a list of all client jobs stored in the database. With the help of this window you can have a quick overview of all client job statuses, calculate client job totals and edit existing client jobs. |
Corporate Jobs |
The Projects: Corporate Jobs window displays a list of all jobs created for in-house experts. With the help of this window you can have a quick overview of all corporate job statuses, calculate corporate job totals and edit existing corporate jobs. |
Freelance Jobs |
The Projects: Freelance Jobs window displays a list of all jobs created for freelance experts. With the help of this window you can have a quick overview of all freelance job statuses, calculate freelance job totals and edit existing freelance jobs. |
Project Accounts |
The Project Accounts window displays the profitability of specific projects as well as Gross Profitability analysis. Can be viewed only in the Base Currency. |
The Corporate Team tab
Corporate Expert |
The Corporate Expert window displays a list of employed in-house experts and consolidated information about the selected in-house expert. Corporate expert data is broken into the following tabs: Main, Corporate Jobs, JAs, Payments, Prices, Account, Files, Info, Calendar. |
Prices |
The Corporate Experts: Prices window provides access to a general list of tariffs for corporate expert services. Here you can define a specific price in a specific currency for each service. |
Corporate Jobs |
The Corporate Jobs window displays a list of all jobs created for in-house experts. With the help of this window you can have a quick overview of all corporate job statuses, calculate corporate job totals and edit existing corporate jobs. |
Job Assignments |
The Corporate Experts: Job Assignments window displays a list of all currently issued job assignments for corporate jobs. Here you can edit existing JAs. |
Payments |
The Corporate Experts: Payments window lists all of the payments sent to all corporate experts. Use this window to calculate payment totals, link payments with job assignments, and edit existing payments. |
Corporate Accounts |
The Corporate Accounts window displays a simplified balance sheet broken into entries for each corporate expert and based on job assignments and payments to corporate experts. Accounting staff can use this window to identify which accounts require attention. Can be viewed in the Base Currency or Expert Currencies. |
Corporate Expenses |
The Corporate Expenses window can be used to make and view entries about any expenses that are not connected to paying in-house and freelance experts. |
The Applicants tab
Applicant |
The Applicant window displays a list of applicants for the position of freelance expert and consolidated information about the selected applicant. Applicant data is broken into the following tabs: Main, Application, Prices, Quotes, Applicant Jobs, POs, Payments, Files, Info. Note that you can not assign Jobs, create POs or Payments for applicants. The purpose of those tables in this tab is to store the documentation of temporarily or permanently inactive freelancers. |
Prices |
The Applicants: Prices window provides access to a general list of tariffs for prospective freelance expert services. Here you can define a specific price in a specific currency for each service. This list also appears in the Freelancers: Prices window. |
Quotes |
The Applicants: Quotes window displays a list of all quotes from applicants stored in the database. |
Applicant Jobs |
The Applicant Jobs window displays a list of all jobs created for temporarily or permanently inactive freelancers. |
POs |
The Applicants: POs window displays a list of all purchase orders issued for temporarily or permanently inactive freelancers. |
Payments |
The Applicants: Payments window displays a list of all payments sent to temporarily or permanently inactive freelancers. |
The Freelancers tab
Freelancer |
The Freelancer window displays a list of freelance experts and consolidated information about the selected freelancer. Freelance expert data is broken into the following tabs: Main, Application, Prices, Quotes, Freelance Jobs, POs, Payments, Account, Files, Info, Calendar. |
Prices |
The Freelancers: Prices window provides access to a general list of tariffs for freelance expert services. Here you can define a specific price in a specific currency for each service. This list also appears in the Applicants: Prices window. |
Quotes |
The Freelancers: Quotes window displays a list of all quotes from freelance experts stored in the database. |
Freelance Jobs |
The Freelance Jobs window displays a list of all jobs created for freelance experts. With the help of this window you can have a quick overview of all freelance job statuses, calculate freelance job totals and edit existing freelance jobs. |
POs |
The Freelancers: POs window displays all currently issued purchase orders for freelance jobs. Here you can edit existing POs and use the Mass PO function. |
Payments |
The Freelancers: Payments window lists the payments sent to all freelancers. Use this window to calculate payment totals, link payments with purchase orders and edit existing payments. |
Freelancer Accounts |
The Freelancer Accounts window displays a simplified balance sheet broken into entries for each freelancer and based on purchase orders and payments to freelancers. Accounting staff can use this window to identify which accounts require attention. Can be viewed in Base Currency or Expert Currencies. |
See also: