Client Window Main Tab

The Main tab of the Client window can be used to manage your client database. It contains the list of all clients and their profiles.


The Client list

You can search for specific clients using the Find panel. Enter a few characters from the client's name, or any other column displayed in the table, and the table will show only the entries that contain the entered characters.

Click on any client in the list to view and edit the client's profile to the right.

Once a new client has been added, their data can be edited in this profile.

You can create a new client record based on the data (profile, marketing, contact or pricing) of one of the existing clients by cloning this client. To do so, select a client to clone, click the More... button next to the Delete button, and select "Clone"

If you no longer actively work with a particular client, you can change them into a Prospect. Click the More... button and select "Move to prospects".

You can delete a client and all data related to this client (quotes, projects, jobs, invoices, etc.). To do so, select a client to delete, and click the Delete button.




Each client entry can have a flag assigned to it. The client's flag can be changed by right-clicking their entry and selecting a flag.

Clients are listed in the form of a table. You can change the columns displayed in the table by using the Customize Columns option.

Note: Due to user access restrictions, some filter operations (like the local custom filter and the global date filter) or page settings, you may not be able to see all the clients in the database.


The client's profile

On the right side of the Main client tab, you have four tabs: Client Profile, Custom Fields, Audit, and Alerts, which allow you to review and modify the client’s information. Click on the appropriate button to add or edit the client's profile information.


The clients' custom data

The client database can be customized by adding custom fields. Any custom fields which have been added to the client database, can be accessed by clicking the Custom Fields tab, next to the Client Profile tab.

Note: Only users with access to the Projetex Server Administrator can add or remove custom fields.


Audit and Alerts

The Audit tab keeps track of when and by whom a client profile was created or modified.

The Alerts tab keeps track of messages received from the Projetex 3D Automation Engine that concern this particular client.



See also:

Adding/Editing Client/Prospect Profile