Corporate Expert Window Corporate Jobs Tab

On the Corporate Jobs tab you can view and edit all corporate jobs which have been assigned to the currently selected corporate expert.



Filtering corporate jobs

Use the Status filter drop-down list to display only completed, not completed, overdue, etc. corporate jobs.

Use the JA Issued filter drop-down list you can select to display only those corporate jobs which have or have not been included into job assignments to in-house experts.

The Project Manager filter drop-down list allows you to select to view only jobs managed by a particular Project Manager.


Corporate Job statuses

Just like on the Corporate Jobs tab of the Project window, in the Corporate Expert window corporate jobs are marked with color:

Note: You can change the colors on the Colors: Status tab of the User Settings in the Backstage view.

Also, if a job has any status other than Normal, it will be highlighted in a different background color:

Note: you can change the status of any job with the help of the Status drop-down list in the Edit Job window.

To edit the Job record, select it from the list and click the Edit button, or double-click this job in the list.



See also: 

Corporate Expert Window

Corporate Jobs Window

Creating corporate jobs