Project Window Tree Tab

The Tree tab manages the job structure of projects and consists of the following parts:


The Tree Scheme

Projects in Projetex can contain three types of jobs:

Corporate and freelance jobs icons with question marks () indicate that no expert has yet been assigned to these jobs.

A project is broken down into client jobs, which in turn can be split into a number of corporate jobs and freelance jobs. All these jobs can be created, edited and deleted in one window, using the Client Jobs and Expert Jobs tabs to the right of Tree view field.

Clicking any of the jobs in the project tree view will highlight its data in the tables to the right.


Client Job Buttons

The New Client Job button can be used to add another client job to the current project.

The Edit button will open the currently selected client job for editing.

The Delete button will delete the currently selected client job.

The Clone button will create a copy of the selected client job (without any expert jobs in it).

The AnyCount button will run the AnyCount text count engine which will count the files you choose, and create a new client job based on the count results.


Expert Job Tab Buttons

The New button can be used to add another corporate job (if the Corporate tab is open) or freelance job (if the Freelance tab is open) to the current project.

The Edit button will open the currently selected corporate or freelance job for editing.

The Delete button will delete the currently selected corporate or freelance job.

The Clone button will create a copy of the selected corporate or freelance job. The cloned expert job will have no expert assigned to it.



See also:  

Project Window

Creating client jobs

Creating corporate jobs

Creating freelance jobs