Client Window Prices Tab

Each client in Projetex can have a set of prices individual to them. These prices can be assigned on the Prices tab of the Client window.

Only one price per group of services, service and unit combination can exist in an individual price-list.



The New button opens the New Price window, where the details of a new price can be added.

The Edit button opens the Edit Price window, where the details of the currently selected price can be edited.

The Delete button deletes the currently selected price.

The Copy from General button opens the Copy from General Prices to Clients window which can be used to copy prices from the general price-list for clients to the client-specific price-list.



You can print a client's price list or save it in a text file by selecting the template and clicking the Save, Save & Open or Print button at the bottom of the window.

You can also click the Send Mail button to open the Projetex Mail Sender and send it to the Client's E-mail address as an attachment.



See also: 

Client Window

Client Prices window

Managing price lists