Managing price lists

Price lists in Projetex 3d can be either general or individual.

The general price lists of clients and experts can be found in the Clients/Prospects/Corporate Experts/Applicants/Freelancers: Prices windows.



Individual prices can be accessed on the Prices tab of the Client/Prospect/Corporate Expert/Freelancer/Applicant window.



Note: clients and prospects share the same general price list, as do freelancers and applicants.

Use the New/Edit/Delete buttons to create, modify or delete prices


Use the Save/Save&Open/Print/Send Mail buttons to save, print, or e-mail a price list.



Note: To configure price list templates, in the Backstage view click Corporate Settings, then click Templates. Templates for prices are stored in the following folders: D:\BusinessServer\Templates\CLIENTS\Prices\, ...\PROSPECTS\Prices\, ...\EXPERTS\FREELANCE\Prices, ...\EXPERTS\CORPORATE\Prices,  ...\EXPERTS\APPLICANT\Prices.



See also:

Creating/Editing Prices

Copying Individual Prices to General Price List