Prospect Window Prospect Jobs Tab

Prospect Jobs belonging to all projects of the currently selected former or inactive client can be viewed on the Prospect Jobs tab of the Prospect window.

Jobs can not be created, deleted, or edited here. This tab serves only to store previously created jobs.

Use the Status filter drop-down list to display only prospect jobs with a specific status.

With the help of the Invoiced filter drop-down list you can view only the prospect jobs which have or have not been invoiced.



Prospect Job Statuses

Jobs in the list are shown in different colors. These are determined by the current status of each job:

Green — the job is not completed yet, but its deadline is in the future.

Blue — the job is not completed and due today.

Red — the job is not completed and overdue (its deadline is in the past).

Black — the job is completed.

Note: You can change the colors on the Colors: Status tab of the User Settings menu in the Backstage view.

Also, if a job has any status other than Normal, it will be highlighted in a different background color:

Orange background —  On Hold status

Green background —  Heads-Up status

Grey background —  Canceled status

Note: You can change the status of any job with the help of the Status drop-down list in the Edit Job window.



See also:  

Main Tab of Prospect Window

Prospect Jobs window