Colors: Status

Depending on their current status, quotes, projects, jobs, invoices and POs are highlighted with different colors in Projetex. The Colors: Statuses section of the User Settings window can be used to change these colors.



Fragment of the client jobs table, as seen in the Projetex Workstation:


In this case, the job status colors are set as follows:

Black — completed.

Green — not completed, deadline in the future.

Blue — not completed and due today.

Red — not completed and overdue.


The following status colors can be changed:

Quote statuses:

Current Projects and Jobs statuses:

Outstanding Invoices/POs statuses:

Currently selected row in all tables: set the text and background color to indicate the currently selected table entry (default: white text on a deep blue background).

Use the corresponding buttons to open the color panel and set the color for each status of quotes, current projects and jobs, outstanding invoices/POs.

Reset all to Default restores the default colors of all statuses.




See also:

User settings