Main Tab

The Main tab of the Applicant window contains information of your prospective freelance experts. You can add new applicant records here or edit existing ones. The two primary areas of the Main tab of the Applicants window are the list of applicants and the applicant profile.



Browsing Applicants

You can search for specific applicants by using the Find panel. Enter a few characters from the applicant's name, or any other column displayed in the table, and the table will show only those entries that contain the characters.

Click any applicant in the list to view the profile of this applicant to the right.

Once a new applicant has been added to database, his or her profile can be edited at any time.

If the applicant satisfies your requirements and you come to an agreement, you can change them into a freelancer by clicking "Move to Freelancers".

Each applicant can have a flag assigned to him/her. Applicant flags can be changed by right-clicking the entry and choosing the flag.

Applicants are listed in the form of a table. You can change the columns displayed in the table by using the Customize Columns option.


Applicant profile

The profile of the currently selected applicant can be viewed to the right.

Expert code — This code will be used in document codes for this applicant. The expert code will also be used as the name of this applicant's folder.

Name — Use this field to enter or edit the name of the currently selected applicant. An applicant's name can be no longer than 150 characters.

Postal Address — Enter the postal address of the currently selected applicant. This information will be automatically inserted into the applicant's documents. See the Postal address of applicant topic for more details.

Contact info — Click this button to enter additional contact information on this applicant. See the General Contact Information of applicant topic for more details.

Web — opens the Edit Web Links dialog box, providing field for entering a web site address (URL), LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter accounts of the applicant. Click the address or the social media icons to open the corresponding links in your Internet browser.

Payment Terms — You can set specific payment terms to each of your applicants. Payment terms settings will determine when the purchase orders of this applicant become outstanding and overdue, once the applicant becomes a full freelancer.  See the Payment Terms of Applicant topic for more details.

VAT number — Regulations in some countries may require you to indicate VAT codes (or numbers) in financial documents. The applicant's VAT number, entered in applicant's profile can be automatically displayed in this applicant's printable documents.

Expert currency — Select the currency of this particular applicant. The expert currency will be used in all documents of this applicant.

Expert Status — Set the applicant's availability status as Active, Inactive, or Potential.

Expert folder — The applicant's folder contain prices, quotes and other information relevant to the applicant. Projetex automatically creates, updates and maintains links between applicants in the database and their folders. The expert code of this applicant is used as the folder's name. The folder is created automatically and its location in the Business folder is displayed in the Expert folder field. Click the folder button on the right side of the field to open this folder in the Projetex 3D explorer.

FTP Connections — you can set parameters for access to the applicant's FTP folders. Shortcuts to these folders will be automatically added to the Files tab of this expert's window. See the Applicant FTP connections topic for more details.

General Information — the applicant's profile can contain any general information, relevant to this applicant in a form of a plain text note.


Custom data of Applicant

Client database can be customized by adding custom fields. Any custom fields that have been added to clients database can be accessed by clicking Custom Fields tab next to the Client Profile tab.

Note: Only users with access to Projetex Server Administrator can add or remove custom fields.



The Audit tab keeps track of when and by whom the applicant profile was created or modified.



See also:

Adding/Editing Experts and Applicants