Database Tab


The Projetex database can be in one of the following states:

The Current database status is displayed in the Status string. Click Go Online or Go Offline to switch the database status.

The Active Connections string displays the number of current Projetex Workstation connections to this database.

The Projetex Database string displays the full path to the Projetex database file, which is normally located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.P3D\MSSQL\DATA\Projetex3D.mdf

The Database Version string displays the version of the currently used database.

The Disk Space Left string shows the amount of free space left on the hard drive, on which the Projetex database is located.



See also:

Database Server Tab

Server Corporate Settings

Switching the database offline or online


Auto-backup Service

Autorestart Service


Run Update Script

Clear Record Locks

Maintenance Operations

View Online Users