BusinessServer Folder
Projetex automatically creates and maintains folder structure designed to streamline storage, linking and sharing your work files.
All workflow files (such as client-sent files and files to be sent to clients, as well as saved documents like invoices, job assignments, purchase orders and quotes) are stored in respective subfolders of BusinessServer folder, a centralized and unified folder, accessible by each team member within necessary limits and also local Business folders on Workstation computers.
The main purpose of BusinessServer folder is to be a centralized storage location for client folders, project folders, and expert folders (these folders are described below). By default it is created in the root of disk C:\ of PC where Projetex Server is installed.
Location of BusinessServer folder can be changed on Folders tab of Corporate Settings window. Having changed BusinessServer folder location you must move the content from the old BusinessServer folder manually.
Different folder types
Business folder contains six folders: Clients folder, Projects folder, Experts folder, Output folder, Templates folder and Versions folder. Experts folder consists of two subfolders: Corporate and Freelance. Corporate folder stores corporate experts files; Freelance folder — for freelance experts files.
Clients folders (a separate folder for each client) are stored in Business\Clients\ folder. Each folder is named by unique Client Code.
Experts folders (a separate folder is created for each expert) are stored in Business\Experts\Corporate and Business\Experts\Freelance folders.
Project folders (a separate folder is created for each project) are stored in Business\Project folder. Each folder name contains unique project code. Project folder name can also contain project name and project manager name.
Templates folder is the storage of templates used for issuing quotes, invoices, payment etc.
Versions folder contains all versions of files, which ever have been modified on Server.
These folders, as well as their subfolders are created automatically when Projetex Workstation user clicks Create button in respective areas of the program (like Main tab of Project window). Projetex can also automatically create such folders when needed (for example an Expert folder is automatically created upon this expert's login).
Example: Sample structure of folders in Projetex |
Client Folders
Client folder is a storage location for all files relevant to a particular client. This folder is created with the help of Main and Files tabs of Client window. The following subfolders are created automatically in Client folder, depending on the document being saved:
• | Prices |
• | Quotes |
• | Invoices |
• | Payments |
Each client folder can contain custom subfolders which will be created automatically along with a client folder. These subfolders can be specified on Folders tab of Server Administrator Corporate Settings.
Expert Folders (Corporate and Freelance)
Corporate experts' folders are created in Corporate folder (Business\Experts\Corporate), freelancers' folders — in Freelance folder (Business\Experts\Freelance).
Primary purpose of every Expert folder is to serve as storage location for all files relevant to a particular expert. It can be created from Main and Files tabs of Corporate Expert or Freelance Expert window. The following subfolders are created automatically in Expert folder, depending on the document being saved:
In Corporate Expert's folder:
• | JAs |
• | Corporate Jobs |
In Freelance Expert's folder:
• | Quotes |
• | Prices |
• | POs |
• | Payments |
Note: When a PO/JA is saved using RTF template, a resulting file is stored in a separate folder (it's name will contain PO/JA Code) and the link to this file is saved in the Pos/JAs subfolder of the expert's folder.
Each expert's folder can contain custom subfolders which will be created automatically along with an expert folder. These subfolders can be specified on the Folders tab of Server Administrator Corporate Settings.
Project Folders
Primary purpose of every Project folder is to serve as a storage location for all files relevant to a particular Project. It can be created from Main and Files tabs of Client window. It is created automatically when any project-related document is saved. Project's folder always contains at least three subfolders:
• | Incoming (where you can store the files sent you by a client) |
• | Work (where you can store files while working on them) |
• | Outgoing (where you can put files ready to be sent to a client) |
Each project's folder can contain custom subfolders which will be created automatically along with a project folder. These subfolders can be specified on the Folders tab of Server Administrator Corporate Settings.
All client jobs are stored in projects' folders, not in clients' folders, because project may contain single client job or multiple client jobs to be completed.
For consistency purposes, name of the project's folder is the same as project code (the default value) and cannot be modified manually. Name of the project folder can include not only unique project code.