
TranScripta Translation Services, a body of professional translators based in Malta, was set up to provide elegant and professional translations. It is especially geared to provide translations into and from Maltese, an official EU language, and Arabic. TranScripta brings together a wide array of Maltese and Arabic translation professionals specialised in various areas of expertise.


Powered by Projetex

docnroll™ offers a wide range of specialised professional translation services mainly in the following languages : Spanish, English and French. However, as a member of a network involving several translation services, the company can also offer assistance in finding qualified translators for almost any language pair. docnroll™ specialises in Business & IT, while also working with related sectors such as tourism.

Business Cases

Prevodi.Bg and Projetex: essential in providing high quality Ltd (Bulgaria) is a licensed Bulgarian translation agency that has concentrated all its attention and efforts on the translations and strives to offer the best Bulgarian translation service to its clients.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations