King Darling Communications


King Darling Communications is a professional translation, copywriting and communication agency specialized in financial translations that guarantees top quality service in a B2B environment. The company offers various language combinations, but specializes in Dutch, French and English. All King Darling Communications services are provided by an experienced and professional team.


Powered by Projetex


Sentro Translation and Localization provides Global solutions for Turkish translation, localization and simultaneous interpretation services. The company offers services in a wide range of language pairs with experienced in-house and freelance specialists. Sentro Translation and Localization areas of expertise range from IT and telecommunication to medicine, automotive, law, education, business, finance, engineering and other.

Business Cases

Prevodi.Bg and Projetex: essential in providing high quality Ltd (Bulgaria) is a licensed Bulgarian translation agency that has concentrated all its attention and efforts on the translations and strives to offer the best Bulgarian translation service to its clients.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations