Corporate Jobs tab displays all corporate jobs assigned to currently logged-in corporate expert. Double-click any of the jobs in the list to edit it.
When you finish your job, double-click it in the list, change status to Completed, insert the completion date and indicate the time spent on this job. To open it select the necessary job and double-click it or click Edit button. See Editing Corporate Jobs (for Expert) for details.
Job status colors
Color of jobs in the list is determined by their completion status.
• | Black — the job is completed |
• | Green — the job is not completed yet, deadline in the future |
• | Blue — the job is due today |
• | Red — the job is overdue |
Note: You can change colors on the Colors: Status tab of the Current User Settings.
Also, if a job has any status other than normal, it will be highlighted either in red or in green:
Note: You can change status of any job with the help of Status drop-down list in Edit Job window.
As any table you can find in Projetex, Corporate Jobs list can be sorted by each column value by clicking the corresponding column caption.
Right-click the list, and select Customize Columns to add other columns to view.
Filtering corporate jobs list
Using Status drop-down list you can filter the jobs by their status, such as completed, due today, overdue, and so on.
You can also use JA Issued drop-down list to filter the jobs which are included or not included into job assignments (JAs).
See also: