Saving, Printing and E-Mailing Refunds

To print, save or E-mail a Refund as a text document, use the RTF template controls near the bottom of the New/Edit window.




Use the RTF Templates drop-down list to select the template which should be used for printing, saving or e-mailing this refund as an RTF file. Click the Save, Save & Open, Print, or Send Mail button to save, print, or e-mail the Refund.

Note: You can choose to save the output file in RTF, DOC or PDF format by selecting this format in the Save As window via the Save as type drop-down list.

To edit templates for refunds, in the Backstage view click Corporate Settings and select Templates. Templates for refunds are located in the D:\BusinessServer\Templates\CLIENTS\Refunds\.



See also:

New/Edit Refund Window

Template Basics