Void Invoices

By voiding an invoice, you do not delete it from your invoices list. However once voided, an invoice cannot be printed or edited, and the jobs added to this invoice revert to Uninvoiced status.

To void invoice, open the Invoices Tab of the Client Window, select an invoice and click the Void button.

When voiding an invoice you can enter a reason for voiding, and specify a date (will be used by the Global Date Filter).

The details of the void invoice are kept in the database as a plain text note for future reference. The following data will be preserved in a void invoice:

- Client Jobs: Code, Client Ref., PO Number, Name, Assigned, Deadline, Completed, Price, Volume, Exchange Rate: Total

- Discounts: name, percentage, and volume

- Taxes: name, percentage, and volume

An invoice cannot be voided if it has linked payments. Void invoices are displayed in all invoice lists.




See also:

Creating Invoices

Mass invoicing