Users and Access

The Users and Access area can be used to browse existing user accounts, create new users and modify the access rights of existing users.




Double-click any user in the list to edit their access rights.

Click the New button to add a new user account.

Click the Edit button to edit the currently selected user account.

Click the Delete button to delete the currently selected user account.


New/Edit User Window

In this window,  the access rights of a user can be configured.



Photo — an image file with a Max resolution of 70x70 pixels. Click the frame to either Load a photo from a file or click Assign from The Camera to take a picture with a camera connected to the machine. The following formats can be used: .JPG, .JPEG, .BMP (bitmap), .GIF (Graphics Interchange Format).

The Name field is used to enter the actual full name of the user. This name will be used in Projetex to refer to this user. This is not a login name.

The Login field stores the user name used to log in to Projetex.

The Password field stores this user's password. Passwords are case-sensitive.

The Position field contains the description of the user's position. Usually this is the name of the Access role preset. The position field does not affect any actual access rights.

The Access is blocked check box can be used to disable this user's account.


Role & Rights tab

You can quickly assign pre-defined access rights to this user by clicking the Copy from Access Role button. This will copy settings from one of the access roles you have previously defined in the Access Roles tab.

Each user can have one of three general access levels:



Show AHC data - select his check box to permit the current user access to the average hourly cost rates of in-house translators experts.

The Export and Print options in the Local Reports block - toggle these to determine the user's access to local export and print functions.

View Corporate Settings - check to enable access to  Corporate Settings in the Backstage for the current user.

Alerter Administrator - if checked, the user can log into the Automation Engine.

Server Administrator - If checked, the user can log into the Server Administrator program and has access to the Administrator tab in the Workstation Backstage.


Access Rights

This area is used to configure the user's access to various Projetex windows and tabs.

Select or clear check boxes to hierarchically grant or deny access to:

  1. Sections of the Navigation Bar,

  2. Ribbon tabs within the sections,

  3. Icons within the Ribbon tabs,

  4. and tabs within the Client, Prospect, Project, Corporate Expert, Freelancer, and Applicant tables.



Contact Info tab

This tab stores the basic contact info for each user account and contains the following fields:

E-mail (up to 2) — maximum 250 characters.

Enable Mail Alert — enable this check box to allow the user to receive alerts from the Automation Engine to the first e-mail address.

Phone numbers (up to 4) — maximum 250 characters each.


The "Admin" Account

This is the default account that can not be deleted or disabled, has full access to all areas of Projetex and a reduced number of options.



You can alter the account's photo, password, name, position designation, and add an e-mail with the option to send alerts to it.




See also:

Administrator settings

Access Roles