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To download the latest version of Projetex, simply complete the form below and click on the download button.

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Single Projetex Setup file includes:

Project Management Software Server Projetex Server

Hosts your project management database and links to folders with translation projects and jobs.

Project Management Software Workstation Projetex Workstation

Used to access Server on the same PC or some other PC in the local network. Important: Requires Server installation.

Project Management Software Import Utility Projetex Import Utility

Imports your data from .XLS, .CSV, .DBF, .TXT, .XML to Projetex database. It will save your time when switching from other programs to Projetex.

Powered by Projetex


MultiLingual Traductions offers services in translation, interpretation, multilingual DTP and proofreading. The company translates all types of documents (tenders, technical notices, contracts, business letters, marketing brochures, user guides, websites, etc.) in all subject fields (legal, cosmetics, computing, energy, public works, finance, horticulture, electrical engineering, gastronomy, literature) and in all languages.

Business Cases


MTS and Projetex: the translation project manager for the big company

Master Translation Service (China) is a specialized service provider of technical translation, interpretation, software localization, website localization, multilingual DTP (Desktop Publishing) and multimedia localization into Chinese and other major Asian languages.For more than a decade, Master Translation Services has been committed to setting the highest standards for quality and client service in the translation industry.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 25 Workstations