Carolina Ghelfi


What matters here is that you reply promptly and that every time I had a problem with your developments you always come up with a fast and good solution.That’s priceless! Keep up with this excellent service! (…) As a furious Projetex user I will love to help it improve.

Posted By: Carolina Ghelfi


Powered by Projetex


Lextrad was founded by Marina Lanckmans in Tortosa, Spain. Regarding the working process, Lextrad follows the recommendations established by the UNE-EN 15038 standard for Quality Translation Services. The company team of translators allows it to cover a wide range of language combinations.

Business Cases


Atlantic Language Services and Projetex: the partner in the company development

Atlantic Language Services (Plymouth, United Kingdom) is dedicated to providing a full range of language services to people and organisations who need to communicate effectively across linguistic and cultural barriers. Foreign language translations, interpreting and tuition are supplied by a team of professionals, who combine unsurpassed quality with a fast, reliable and accurate service, assuring scrupulous attention to detail at all times.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations