Textworks Translations

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Textworks Translations is a cooperative grouping of more than 200 scientists and academics, qualified to doctoral level, who put their translating and editing skills at the service of other academics. As such, Textworks Translations offers academic translations, proofreading and stylistic editing in the social sciences, humanities and natural sciences.



Powered by Projetex

InterContact Translation Agency provides the top-notch translation and interpreting services in diverse fields for a thousand companies – many of them leaders in their respective fields. Using project organizing and subcontractor/client management software developed specifically for translation agencies, InterContact matches each order with the best and most suitable professional translators, language revisers, and interpreters from among our pool of subcontractors.



Business Cases


Geneva Worldwide and Projetex: supplying the company’s workflow solutions

Geneva Worldwide (New York, USA) provides a full range of language services to meet the multilingual communication needs of the clients in numerous industries. With an international network of professionals, Geneva offers translation, interpreting, typesetting, transcription, and localization services in more than 180 languages.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations