
Lexicon‘s translations services cover all areas and language combinations. The company also provides services of interpreting, company tailored language courses and language consulting for specific needs. Lexicon has strong skills in the field of advertising and copywriting, as well as in website design and localization.



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docnroll™ offers a wide range of specialised professional translation services mainly in the following languages : Spanish, English and French. However, as a member of a network involving several translation services, the company can also offer assistance in finding qualified translators for almost any language pair. docnroll™ specialises in Business & IT, while also working with related sectors such as tourism.


Business Cases


Hunnect Ltd and Projetex: the everyday workflow optimization

Hunnect Ltd (Szeged, Hungary) provides linguistic services for over 200 clients in the fields of linguistic solutions, marketing adaptation and desktop publishing. The company’s principal focus is on the Eastern European languages (primarily Hungarian) with linguistic services offered in 35 languages.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 17 Workstations