Learnwell Oy Translations


Learnwell Oy Translations focuses mainly on translations into and from the Scandinavian languages.The company extensive network of native-speaking collaborators allows the company to translate texts into and from more than 40 languages, in a large range of specialized areas of expertise.



Powered by Projetex

Lingvopedia‘ s positive outlook is to make and create significant & positive difference in the overall language needs of its clients and to become an acclaimed market leader in the field of linguistic services. Lingvopedia Language Solutions is pleased to submit the following proposal to provide linguistic services in all major languages in the areas of translation, interpretation, placement, multilingual desktop publishing.


Business Cases


Sentro Translation & Localization and Projetex: integrating different translation workflow tools

Sentro Translation and Localization is a leading Turkish translation and localization company acting in many different areas of translation business with its wide personnel and its offices located in two sides (European and Asian sides) of Istanbul, Turkey

Projetex licenses: 1 Server, 15 Workstations