Keywords Italia

Keywords Italia is an italian company that provides world-class localization and technical translations. The company translates and localizes Italian and foreign products by adapting them to the specific cultural and social features of the target audience. All international companies that need to get their message across effectively in world markets other than their own by means of state-of-the-art tools can benefit from Keywords Italia top quality services.


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D&L is a communications company specializing in high quality, professional translation and software localization. Founded in 1993 in São Paulo, Brazil, the Company developed relationships with top translators, editors, and desktop publishers, mainly in Brazil and around the world and gained a reputation for high quality work and fast turnaround.

Business Cases


Rosario Traducciones y Servicios S.A. and Projetex: introducing the workflow improvements

Rosario Traducciones y Servicios S.A.(Rosario, Argentina) was created to offer Spanish translation services to various companies in the USA, Europe, Australia, Asia and Latin America. The company combines in-house employees with an international network of translation professionals. Rosario professional translators and linguists, graphic designers and expert project managers are responsible for successfully carrying out every project.

Projetex licenses: 1 Server, 7 Workstations