
InterContact Translation Agency provides the top-notch translation and interpreting services in diverse fields for a thousand companies – many of them leaders in their respective fields. Using project organizing and subcontractor/client management software developed specifically for translation agencies, InterContact matches each order with the best and most suitable professional translators, language revisers, and interpreters from among our pool of subcontractors.



Powered by Projetex

docnroll™ offers a wide range of specialised professional translation services mainly in the following languages : Spanish, English and French. However, as a member of a network involving several translation services, the company can also offer assistance in finding qualified translators for almost any language pair. docnroll™ specialises in Business & IT, while also working with related sectors such as tourism.

Business Cases


AD 3DOORS and Projetex: supplying high service standards

AD 3DOORS (Tallinn, Estonia) has three main services: translation, design and layout, and printing, to provide the customers a high quality combined service whenever needed. Open communication style, multicultural approach and international project management skills of AD 3DOORS have enabled it to become a substantial, loyal and highly regarded service provider.

Projetex licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations