
docnroll™ offers a wide range of specialised professional translation services mainly in the following languages : Spanish, English and French. However, as a member of a network involving several translation services, the company can also offer assistance in finding qualified translators for almost any language pair. docnroll™ specialises in Business & IT, while also working with related sectors such as tourism.


Powered by Projetex

Solid Translation Office specializes in language-related services into Asian languages – Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc., from translation to desktop publishing and software localisation. The company also provides editing, proofreading, and typing services. Solid Translation Office’s goal is to provide the most efficient, accurate and competitive price translation and localisation services to help the clients maximise their multilingual Asian opportunities.

Business Cases


Sentro Translation & Localization and Projetex: integrating different translation workflow tools

Sentro Translation and Localization is a leading Turkish translation and localization company acting in many different areas of translation business with its wide personnel and its offices located in two sides (European and Asian sides) of Istanbul, Turkey

Projetex licenses: 1 Server, 15 Workstations