

Bangula specialises in copywriting, editing, educational content development and business communication training. The company also acts as an agent for translations, editing, proofreading, interpreting and copywriting in African and European languages. The Bangula team consists of highly qualified, experienced and dedicated trainers, practitioners and educationalists, each of whom was selected for his or her excellent skills, experience and reliability.


Powered by Projetex

Logofax Srl is an Italian ISO certified translation agency and it has been working in this sector for more  than 20 years. The company collaborates with some of the most important European leading companies in office automation and medical equipment and translates manuals, guides, software and prompt messages as well as certificates and marketing documents into several languages.

Business Cases


Sentro Translation & Localization and Projetex: integrating different translation workflow tools

Sentro Translation and Localization is a leading Turkish translation and localization company acting in many different areas of translation business with its wide personnel and its offices located in two sides (European and Asian sides) of Istanbul, Turkey

Projetex licenses: 1 Server, 15 Workstations