Posts Tagged ‘Translation Management’

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Why start the translation management blog?Translation Management World

My idea is very simple:

  • To hear your opinion on your translation management workflow;
  • To share my experience of creating translation agency from the scratch and its transformation into translation management research lab;
  • To hear your thoughts about best translation management practices;
  • To share my experience with creating translation management systems for 700+ translation agencies;
  • To improve the translation management software we publish based on your inputs.


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Powered by Projetex

TranScripta Translation Services, a body of professional translators based in Malta, was set up to provide elegant and professional translations. It is especially geared to provide translations into and from Maltese, an official EU language, and Arabic. TranScripta brings together a wide array of Maltese and Arabic translation professionals specialised in various areas of expertise.

Business Cases


McFelder Translations and Projetex: the control over the entire translation process

McFelder Translations (Banyoles, Spain) is a quality accredited translation company that specialises in the translation of technical and scientific texts. The company applies the highest standards of Language Localisation, by ensuring that any Interpreting or Translation project is conducted and proofed by native speaker specialists.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations