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New/Edit Contact Window

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This window can be used to add or edit contact details. The following data can be added to a contact profile:

Photo — up to 110x120 pixels. Click Photo button to add a photo to contact's profile. Click X button to remove current photo from profile. The following formats can be used: .JPG, .JPEG, .BMP (bitmap), .GIF (Graphics Interchange Format).

Salutation — select one of the salutations, entered with the help of Corporate Settings tab of Projetex Server Administrator. This salutation can then be automatically displayed on all printable documents next to this contact's name.

Name — maximum 80 characters.

Title — maximum 40 characters. Like salutation, title will also be automatically displayed on printable documents.

E-mail (up to 2) — maximum 150 characters. Send button becomes active only if valid e-mail address is entered.

Phone (up to 4) and Fax numbers — maximum 150 characters each.

Notes — a plain text note, not limited by a number of characters.