Purchase orders (or POs) in Projetex are formal orders to a freelance expert requesting them to perform certain freelance jobs for certain fee.
To create a purchase order:
1. Open Main tab of Project window.
2. Click required project.
3. Click POs tab.
4. Click New button.
Alternatively, on the New... menu click PO command. This will start New Invoice Wizard.
Purchase orders can also be created directly from Edit Freelance Job window. To create purchase order this way:
1. Open any freelance job, which has a freelancer assigned, but has not yet been added to purchase order. Freelance jobs can be found on the Freelance Jobs tab of Project window.
2. In the Edit Freelance Job window click Create PO button.
3. Freelance job can be added to existing purchase order, or to a new one. Click Add this Job to New PO string to create a new purchase order.
Freelance Jobs can be accessed in the following locations:
• | Tree tab of Project window; |
• | Freelance Jobs tab of Project window; |
• | Freelance Jobs tab of Freelancer window; |
• | Schedule tab of Project window (double-click job schedule to edit that job); |
• | Schedule tab of Freelancer window (double-click job schedule to edit that job); |
• | Freelance Jobs window; |
• | Schedule of Freelance Jobs window (double-click job schedule to edit the job). |
Note: Alternatively purchase orders can be created by clicking Mass POs button on POs to Freelancers window.