Cloning a Client/Prospect

In case the client or prospect you are about to create, has the same or similar data as one of the existing clients or prospects, the client/prospect cloning option can be used to copy selected data from an existing client/prospect to a new one.

To clone a client:

1. Open the Main tab of the Client/Prospect window.

2. Select a client/prospect to clone.

3. Click the More... button and select Clone.



The following data can be copied:

Profile — although it is unlikely that two different clients or prospects will have a same profile information (like address or contact details), some information such as payment terms, the invoicing policy and locale settings may be common.

Contacts — cloning contacts (the Contacts tab of the Client window) data may save time when creating a client/prospect for a new department or subsidiary of an existing client/prospect.

Marketing — marketing information (the Marketing tab of the Client/Prospect window) can also be cloned.

Prices — if a new client has the same or similar prices (the Prices tab of the Client/Prospect window) as one of the existing clients or prospects, this data can also be cloned.

Note: To disable cloning of some information mentioned above, deselect the appropriate checkboxes after you pressed the Clone button.



See also:

Adding/Editing Client/Prospect Profile

Converting Between Prospect and Client