Here you can select form a number of automatic consistency checks that will help identify disparities in job, project, and JA parameters.
If the parameters violate a consistency check, a warning message will be displayed on screen when trying to enter these parameters into the database.
Date Check - checks whether the timelines within jobs and the timelines between projects and their jobs do not contain disparities, (e.g. a job's deadline being earlier than it's assignment, or a job's completion being later than the completion of it's parent project). There are three options for Date Check:
Notify and Deny - an error message will appear and the new data will not be entered.
Notify and Ignore (optional) - a warning message will appear, and ask the user whether they want to ignore the disparity and enter he new data.
No Check - Date Check is disabled completely.
Additional Expert Job Check options:
Check Jobs Total - displays a warning message if the total cost of the Expert Job is greater then that of it's parent Client Job.
Check Jobs Volume - displays a warning message if the volume of the Expert Job is greater then that of it's parent Client Job.
Check Jobs Period - displays a warning message if the deadline of the Expert Job is later then that of it's parent Client Job.
Auto Job Price - searches through the expert's price list when the service or unit of a job is changed and fills in the price if a match is found.
Approved JA can be 0 - allows for approval on JAs with a total of 0.
See also: