
The location of BusinessServer folder, as well as automatic folder creation options can be changed on the Folders tab of the Corporate Settings tab in the Projetex Server Administrator.


Business folder location

The General tab of the Folders section can be used to change The location of the BusinessServer folder. Client, project and expert folders are located inside the Business folder.




To change the default location, click the Change button and select new location on a local PC or in a network.

_bm3 Note: This will NOT move the contents of the current folder to the new location. They will need to be transferred manually.


Folder settings

The other tabs of the Folders section represent different types of folders inside the BusinessServer folder.




Use the Add Folder and Add Subfolder buttons to add folders which will be automatically created inside of each new client, project, expert, JA and PO folder.

The Project folder tab also allows to configure the names of project folders.


Automatic folder creation

With the help of the automatic folder creation feature, you can define a number of subfolders to be automatically created upon creation of a folder for each main entry type in Projetex (Client, Project, Corporate Expert, Freelancer, PO, JA). To enable this feature for a certain folder type, select the Automatic Folder Creation checkbox on the tab of required folder type.

Every time a Client, Project, Expert, JA or PO folder is created by the Projetex Workstation, any folders or subfolders added to the respective tab of the Folders settings will be created in that folder automatically

To disable creation of customized folders clear Automatic Folder Creation on the corresponding tab.

All changes for these custom folders will not be implemented for already existing folders.


Project folder name

The way Project folders are named can also be customized to some extent. The name of each Project folder can consist of the following components:

Project code (obligatory)

Project manager name

Project name

You can enable or disable the inclusion of manager and project names into the folder name.

Click the Update Folders button to apply the settings to the names of all Project folders, created before. This feature is available only for project folder names and does not affect other folders.



See also:

Server Corporate Settings

Projetex Folder Structure