Invoice Template Variables

Date and code

Code to paste to template

Information to be displayed in the saved document


Invoice status


Expected within 30 days, Settled 5 days earlier



Date when invoice is due, in the following format:





Date when invoice is due, in the following format:

Monday, October 04, 2006



Date invoice was sent, in the following format:




Date invoice was sent, in the following format:

Monday, October 04, 2006



Invoice code




Invoice global code



Invoice notes from the Notes tab of the Edit Invoice window


Invoice totals

Code to paste to template

Information to be displayed in the saved document


Invoice total in client's currency


Invoice total in base currency


Jobs total in client's currency


Jobs total in base currency


Jobs total with discounts in client's currency


Jobs total with discounts in base currency


Jobs total volume in base units



Code to paste to template

Information to be displayed in the saved document


Indicates if tax 1 has been added; used in algorithms (If tax 1 exists = True, if it doesn’t = False)


Tax 1 name


Tax 1 value in percents


Tax 1 value in client's currency


Tax 1 value in base currency


Used in algorithms (If tax 2 exists = True, if it doesn’t = False)


Tax 2 name


Tax 2 value in percents


Tax 2 value in client's currency


Tax 2 value in base currency


Indicates whether the taxes in Tax fields are set; used in algorithms (If any tax is set = True, if it they are not = False)


Total in client's currency after Tax 1 is applied


Total in base currency after Tax 1 is applied



Code to paste to template

Information to be displayed in the saved document


Indicates if discount/markup 1 is set; used in algorithms (If discount 1 exists = True, if it does not = False)


Discount 1 name


Discount 1 value in percents


Discount 1 value in client's currency


Discount 1 value in base currency


Indicates if discount/markup 2 is set; used in algorithms (If discount 2 exists = True, if it does not = False)


Discount 2 name


Discount 2 value in percents


Discount 2 value in client's currency


Discount 2 value in base currency


Indicates if discounts/markups are set; used in algorithms (If any discount is set = True, if there are no = False)


Total in client's currency after Discount 1 is applied


Total in base currency after Discount 1 is applied


Payment status variables

Code to paste to template

Information to be displayed in the saved document


Balance due in client's currency


Balance due in base currency


Total payments linked to this invoice in client's currency


Total payments linked to this invoice in base currency


Used in algorithms (If the invoice is paid = True, if it’s not = False)


Invoice total in client's currency, excluding adjustments


Invoice total in base currency, excluding adjustments


Value of the adjustments in client's currency


Value of the adjustments in base currency


Description of the adjustments


Invoice payment method.


Payment method description.


Credit note status variables

Code to paste to template

Information to be displayed in the saved document


The total of credit notes linked to this invoice, in the clients currency


The total of credit notes linked to this invoice, in the base currency


Client Job Variables in Invoice

Code to paste to template

Information to be displayed in the saved document


Client PO of the job


Client job name


Date the client job was assigned


Deadline of client job


Completed (Boolean: True/False)


Date the client job was completed


Price of client job


Client job volume


Pricing (per unit, flat fee)


Exchange rate


Job total in client's currency


Job total in base currency


Instructions of client job


Work notes of client job


CATCount notes of client job


Service name of client job


Volume units of client job


Project name


Project code of client job


Client job code


Client Ref. of the job


Client PM of the client job


Linked Payment Variables

Code to paste to template

Information to be displayed in the saved document


Linked payment's code


Linked payment's creation date


Linked payment's total value


Part of the payment's value linked to this invoice


Linked Credit Note Variables

Code to paste to template

Information to be displayed in the saved document


Credit Note's code


Credit Note's creation date


Credit Note's total value


Credit note's value covered by refunds


Credit note's value not covered by refunds


Credit Note's status. Has the following values:

0 - "Closed": the CN's total is subtracted from the invoice's balance.

1 - "Awaiting payment": the Invoice is paid and the CN requires a refund.

2 - "Partially paid": the CN is partially covered by a refund.

3 - "Fully paid": the CN is fully covered by a refund.



See also:

Logic and Syntax of Templates

Advanced commands and functions