Category: Technology

After sending out the recent message to you I have received a lot of feedback that links suddenly stopped working.

That exactly illustrates my point about technology.

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Powered by Projetex

KEYWORD Company was established by a team of experienced translators working together since 1998. KEYWORD academic qualifications, expertise in the translation field as well as familiarity with the most up-to-date translation tools guarantee not only the accuracy of translations but also the completion of the projects the company undertakes in due time.

Business Cases


Rosario Traducciones y Servicios S.A. and Projetex: introducing the workflow improvements

Rosario Traducciones y Servicios S.A.(Rosario, Argentina) was created to offer Spanish translation services to various companies in the USA, Europe, Australia, Asia and Latin America. The company combines in-house employees with an international network of translation professionals. Rosario professional translators and linguists, graphic designers and expert project managers are responsible for successfully carrying out every project.

Projetex licenses: 1 Server, 7 Workstations