Pederzoli-Amormino GbR

Pederzoli-Amormino GbR

I had a problem with the installation of Projetex Server 2006 on our new PC and you gave me the best assistance I have ever found so far! Thanks especially to Aleksandr Yarosevich who managed to solve our glitches with Firebird via remote control in a brilliant and effective way. It was a real pleasure to see live how a problem could be solved in a few minutes by a great professional.

You AIT guys definitely rock! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Posted By: Francesco Amormino


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HUMANA COM&TRAD is a Brazil based company that provides translation and interpreting services in Portuguese, Spanish, French, English and other languages on demand. The company works mainly in the Amazon region were it has been providing services at small, medium and large events, covering environmental, scientific, social and educational issues. It’s main goal is to qualify translators and interpreters to meet the increasing local market demands offering accurate language services.

Business Cases logo and Projetex: systematizing the company information (Gliwice, Poland) is a translation agency specializing in written translations of technical, medical, commercial, business and legal texts into Polish.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 7 Workstations