RRP Languages


RRP Languages was set up to help its clients solve all their translation and proofreading needs. The company offers translation services into all major languages.



Powered by Projetex

hdtrans logo
Nestled in Chongqing Municipality of PR China, Huadian Translation Co., Ltd. (HDT) is a professional translation company specializing in engineering translation service.
HDT undertakes to translate all bidding documents, contracts, technical specifications, design codes, quality standards, installation & commissioning procedures, as well as operation and maintenance manuals.


Business Cases


Rosario Traducciones y Servicios S.A. and Projetex: introducing the workflow improvements

Rosario Traducciones y Servicios S.A.(Rosario, Argentina) was created to offer Spanish translation services to various companies in the USA, Europe, Australia, Asia and Latin America. The company combines in-house employees with an international network of translation professionals. Rosario professional translators and linguists, graphic designers and expert project managers are responsible for successfully carrying out every project.

Projetex licenses: 1 Server, 7 Workstations