Sandro Ruggeri Dulcet

I have been using Projetex 7 since January 2009 and from then, every single project of my company has been recorded in its database. Projetex 7 has allowed me to check my company´s workflow, unfolding the whole picture of either my clients and their projects necessities. Projetex 7 has been ever since an excellent tool for my company and for all those professionals translators, interpreters, in-house and freelance project managers, who work with us, helping to keep all those complex data regarding incomes, outcomes and other data updated.

Posted By: Sandro Ruggeri Dulcet


Powered by Projetex


LinguaPoint is one of Germany’s established language services vendors. Since 1996, LinguaPoint has successfully established itself as a vendor in the IT, medical and technical translation sector. The company’s key areas of service include software localization and translation of documentation, user assistance, online training, marketing material, and web pages.

Business Cases


Tatutrad and Projetex: making the most of working time

Tatutrad (Sevilla, Spain) is a professional team that has decided to join forces in order to provide comprehensive service for world-wide clients and to carry on working as freelance professionals. The company works with most languages and relies on collaborators from all over the world.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 6 Workstations