Carolina Ghelfi


What matters here is that you reply promptly and that every time I had a problem with your developments you always come up with a fast and good solution.That’s priceless! Keep up with this excellent service! (…) As a furious Projetex user I will love to help it improve.

Posted By: Carolina Ghelfi


Powered by Projetex

A.M.TRANSlation Services language agency translates European languages in various combinations. The company is acquainted with and takes into consideration the special requirements and practices in the target country and prepares the translation specifically for the target group the client requests. A.M.TRANSlation Services is also happy to undertake proofreading of and corrections in style to the client texts or write out a fair copy.

Business Cases

Prevodi.Bg and Projetex: essential in providing high quality Ltd (Bulgaria) is a licensed Bulgarian translation agency that has concentrated all its attention and efforts on the translations and strives to offer the best Bulgarian translation service to its clients.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations