Ruben Berrozpe

Spanish Technical Translations

Projetex… is the program I use and, actually I believe it’s the best one in the market right now.

Posted By: Ruben Berrozpe


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Powered by Project Management Software

Established in 1997, Novilinguists is a well ranked localisation company on the international arena. Located in Italy, it was founded by two dynamic and dedicated women who have created a flexible team of language professionals to serve the longterm language needs of clients operating in a global business environment. Scalable to meet complex customer localisation needs, Novilinguists believes ‘know-how’ integration is the only valuable client-oriented approach which ensures seamless interaction with ideas, processes and quality, thus creating unparalleled added-value to the final product.

Business Cases


BayanTech and Projetex: Integration of both customer and supplier databases

BayanTech is a Localization Sage for African & Middle Eastern Language solutions. It was established in 2004 with a planned strategy to effectively fulfill customers’ requirements in translation and localization. During this time, we have successfully achieved a brilliant track record for Thousands of projects with corporate clients, including several global top organizations such as Nokia, Microsoft, Google, Apple, Sony, Yahoo, World Bank, Alcatel, Lucent, UN, and many more.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 23 Workstations