Viestarts Vidins

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Projetex is working very good and we’re very satisfied we chose your product!

Posted By: Viestarts Vidins


Powered by Projetex

Created and managed by a group of experienced professionals, with long term experience acquired working for leading multinational companies in the fields of product internationalization, software engineering and project management, Tetraktys offers a wide range of services related to the internationalization of products and services.

Business Cases


AD 3DOORS and Projetex: supplying high service standards

AD 3DOORS (Tallinn, Estonia) has three main services: translation, design and layout, and printing, to provide the customers a high quality combined service whenever needed. Open communication style, multicultural approach and international project management skills of AD 3DOORS have enabled it to become a substantial, loyal and highly regarded service provider.

Projetex licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations