Stanislav Pokorny

Stanislav Pokorny

Projetex is not only a perfectly functional product, it is also fully scalable and its users do not even have to have any special computer skills to modify the default database settings to suit their needs. Everything is perfectly transparent and can be achieved within a few mouse clicks. (…) Projetex is the best value for money you can get worldwide and SMART Translations have certainly benefitted from purchasing it.

Posted By: Stanislav Pokorny
Czech Republic


Powered by Projetex

Powered by Project Management Software

Capital Translations is a uniquely positioned translations services provider established to meet globally-driven financial, legal, and corporate translation requirements.

Business Cases


AD 3DOORS and Projetex: supplying high service standards

AD 3DOORS (Tallinn, Estonia) has three main services: translation, design and layout, and printing, to provide the customers a high quality combined service whenever needed. Open communication style, multicultural approach and international project management skills of AD 3DOORS have enabled it to become a substantial, loyal and highly regarded service provider.

Projetex licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations